The other day I received an email from a disgruntled dipshit reader that goes by the name Sophie. I don’t usually humour myself on other people’s misery, but this unreasonable creation was being ridiculous, so I was pleased to make an exception to the rule.
Sophie basically requested for me to remove a particular article from my website because it personally offended her. On a side note, if I removed every article that offended someone, this website would be an empty shell. Sad, but bloody true.
In the past, I’ve had two people requesting the banishment of particular articles. Actually, wasn’t so much of a request, it was more of a, “remove the articles or we’ll take you to court” deal. They claimed the shit I was saying was libel and affecting their business. While I didn’t agree with their claims, I understood WHY they wanted me to remove the particular articles. Unfortunately, I couldn’t understand the request in question today…
The Bitch (My Tenant) Finally Paid Her Rent
Please remove this article from your website. It shows a terrible relationship between a landlord and a tenant. I’m really offended that a property website can let a landlord call his tenant “The Bitch”
Just to clarify, my ex-tenant IS a bitch. That was no lie.
The article was meant to show a terrible relationship between a landlord and tenant because that’s exactly what it was, a terrible f’ing situation. I’m glad I got my point across.
I genuinely hope my ex-tenant is curled up in a dark alley somewhere, with a needle sticking out of her arse, and an oversized dildo exploding out of her nostrils.
My ex-tenant did the following:
- Didn’t pay rent for 2 months
- Received Housing Benefits (which was meant to pay her rent)
- Ignored my phone calls
- Intentionally wanted me to evict her so she could get a council house ASAP
- Constantly lied
- Constantly made excuses
Now, if that doesn’t justify me calling my tenant a bitch, I don’t know what does. I’m sure most landlords that has to endure that kind of bullshit from a tenant would feel similarly.
My main concern is that there are decent and unfortunate people out there that deserve benefits, and scum-bags like her are not doing any of those people any favours at all. It’s already extremely difficult for DSS tenants to find accommodation, and she’s only making it more difficult for decent DSS tenants to get housing.
I’m not convinced Sophie actually read the article, or the related articles, but if she did… she’s a cock for telling me to remove it. I still feel inclined to believe that she only read the “title” of the article, hence her unjustified email.
Sophie shouldn’t take it upon herself to feel offended by the attack I made against my tenant because it wasn’t a generalised attack against tenants, it was a very targeted and very specific attack, hence why the title of the article says, “My Tenant”. The article isn’t representing all tenant/landlord relationships.
I’m surprised I even have to spoon-feed people this kind of shit because it’s self-implied that this is my blog and I document MY experiences with my tenants.
So, if Sophie or any other reader wants to carry the burden of feeling offended by that article, that’s their own personal psychological demon.
Disclaimer: I'm just a landlord blogger; I'm 100% not qualified to give legal or financial advice. I'm a doofus. Any information I share is my unqualified opinion, and should never be construed as professional legal or financial advice. You should definitely get advice from a qualified professional for any legal or financial matters. For more information, please read my full disclaimer.
You go girlfriend!!