Page contents:
- Who are you?
- What’s this site all about?
- The evolution and purpose of my blog today
- What’s so special about this website?
- Why are you always bitching?
- It’s a pity you can’t provide advice without the foul language
- Why property?
- I want to be a landlord, where the hell do I start?
- Are you rich?
- I emailed you, you never replied- WHY would you do that?
- I’ve heard rumours of your beauty, is it true?
- What if there’s a property crash?
- You’ve made spelling mistakes
- Favourite quote
- What I want from you
- Buy me Coffee
Welcome to my personal landlord blog. Yes, this is a one-man show. If that.
Who are you?
I’m a 20-something 30-something year old landlord that enjoys sharing his morbid thoughts and real-life landlording experiences.
I go by the alias “The Landlord”
If you wish to connect with me, you can do so by following me on Twitter and/or Facebook. Alternatively, feel free to email me directly via my contact page.
What’s this site all about?
At a young’ish age, while all my peers excelled in alcohol consumption, computer games, and pornography, I had taken the unlikely interest in financial growth, particularly property investment.
Despite how it may sound, yes, I did have friends, and I wasn’t the victim of routine atomic wedgies.
Wanting to pursue my interest, yet disabled by the fear of having absolutely no experience, I was in a dilemma. I knew I admired the idea of investing in property and securing my future, but I had no idea how to achieve it. I literally didn’t have a clue.
Sarah Beeny did what she could, but there was only so much I could learn from Property Ladder and the reruns.
After a few years of umming and ahhing and bitterly watching others succeed, I eventually decided to take my ass off the side-lines and enter the game.
I mentally prepared myself to invest my life-savings into a buy-to-let property and become a landlord. “The Landlord”, if you will.
The point of this website was to document my every step, so people (particularly bored people) could read about my transition from clueless-property-idiot to a less-clueless-landlord. I completed the task on the 2nd of March 2007. Boy, time surely has flown by.
Moral of the story? Any chump can do it. Yes, YOU can also be that chump, you just need to believe.
Ever since completing my task I’ve been making regular updates to my blog, mostly sharing my trials and tribulations as a landlord.
I still have plenty to learn and I regularly make mistakes, and this is the place where I share it all, so others can learn and share their own experiences.
The evolution and purpose of my blog today
Of course, it’s still about documenting my journey, but overtime that’s become less of a motivator.
I didn’t intend on getting so involved with the rental industry, but here I am – deeper down the rabbit hole than I ever imagined. Yes, it’s wholly unglamorous.
Unsurprisingly, the deeper I wormed my way in, the more I became exposed to the underbelly of the beast. I always knew the industry was rammed with polarising opinions, but I was truly taken aback by the apparent amount of unhealthy toxicity that prevails. What a fucking calamity. It’s like the Capulets and Montagues up in this bitch. Some tenants really hate landlords. Like, deeply rooted, genuine hate! And some landlords really treat their tenants – fellow humans – like they’re subpar gremlins.
Yes, the industry is ripe with bad actors, from slumlords to rogue tenants to douchebag agents, and they’ve all contributed to the justified anger, the unjust stereotypes and misconceptions. A lot of it is down to profound levels of greed and corruption – and sadly I can’t help those people – but I can try and encourage everyone else to do better so we can tighten that hate-filled gap, because I think a lot of it is formed by ignorance and misunderstanding, as opposed to genuine malice.
So today, my primary motivator is encouraging landlords, including myself, to collectively do a better job, resulting in higher industry standards and forming better relationships, by focusing on the following areas:
- Encouraging landlords to avoid “get rich schemes” (spoiler: there’s no such thing), specifically by avoiding snakeoil “property gurus” that promise the world and shill useless property courses. They’re garbage and usually only lower standards across the board.
- Encouraging landlords to practise high-standards, which entails, for example, providing clean and safe homes at all times, treating tenants how they deserve to be treated (which makes for healthier relationships) and not succumbing to greed.
- The clear and simple message that property is a long-term investment; the capital growth and profit will eventually come, so there’s no need to take shortcuts or be greedy. Slow and steady is not sexy, but it’s a proven recipe with a high success rate.
We’re not all greedy, but far too many of us are. That needs to change. We’ve got work to do.
I do want to make it crystal clear that I am not in the business of telling anyone how to spend/invest their money, least of all because I’m not qualified. That is not the purpose of my blog.
For me, investing in property seems prudent, but that’s because I’m fully aware of my own circumstances and goals. However, great ideas are often subjective because they’re dependent on several circumstantial factors, which is why being a landlord and/or investing in property could be a terrible idea for you. I truly don’t know.
What’s so special about your site compared to other property/landlord sites?
Absolutely nothing at all.
However, comparing my website to other popular landlord ones’ is like comparing apples to donkeys. I don’t think anyone else is actually doing what I do, everyone else seems to be sticking to the traditional news and editorial format (which is cool, if you like that kind of thing).
I suppose, the only real USP I have is that I document my “real story” and unfiltered thoughts (which often goes down like a mouthful of battery acid).
Why are you always bitching?
If you’ve already spent a few minutes flicking through a few of my blog entries, you may have formed an opinion of me. Possibly a negative one.
Apparently I swear too much, make unnecessary sexual references, and consequently come across as unreasonable (to put it nicely). Everything but the latter is true, the other stuff is down to my own brand of humour.
The reality is, I don’t bitch a lot in life, but what I will say is that I often (but not always) turn to blogging when I need to vent, so that’s why there is no shortage of hissy-fits, and why I may come across as more psychotic, bitter and twisted than I actually am. I guess blogging is my form of therapy.
I’m not a bitter person. I love being a Landlord and I’m a pretty laid back individual. People incorrectly assume I’m a miserable sack-of-shit that just complains all day. Not true! Not true!
All I can say is that I try to help people when and where I can, whether they’re a landlord, tenant, greasy letting agent or anyone with an interest in what I do. I genuinely want good people to succeed in life, and if I can assist in that, then amazing!
It’s a pity you can’t provide advice without the foul language (’cause your advice is good)!
You can fuck right off, you uppity douchebag.
No, no, no! Come back! I’m joking with ya’ *hugz*
When I write/blog, I try my best to articulate my thoughts as accurately as possible without applying social filters, otherwise what’s the point in blogging, right? I pride myself on NOT being a dribbling drone.
In my free-spirited mind, I swear in healthy portions, so the conversions in my head are rather more chaotic before they get processed, and those are the moments I capture on paper. It’s those emotions that feel more real and human, so I find that people are able to relate better to my initial raw chaos. It’s never personal (well, it’s not 99% of the time).
In reality, while dealing with situations in the real world, I apply my social filters, and believe it or not – once the filters are chugging away and operational – you’ll probably want to hug me… and caress me… all day, all night. Rarely do I swear in my everyday conversations, in fact, I usually find it unnecessary and disrespectful (depending on who/what I’m talking to). Needless to say, I wouldn’t verbalise a lot of the things I jot down on here out loud in real life.
Essentially, you need to take this place for what it is, and not for what it isn’t. This isn’t a tabloid newspaper or an editorial magazine for landlords; there are plenty of those out there, which do a spectacularly fine and boring job, but this ain’t one of ’em. This is a personal blog; not just mine, but for anyone that wants to comment/network in this capacity.
My main objective is to help others through my own experiences, and the only way I know how to do that is by sharing my real thoughts/feelings, which includes every little morbid niggle of mine.
I know my “tone” isn’t everyone’s cup-of-tea, I’m an acquired taste, which I understand and appreciate. But despite that, I genuinely want everyone to stick around and help the community prosper.
But yeah, it is a tragic pity I can’t blog without swearing my tits off. Agreed.
Why property?
I know many disagree, but I believe property is one of the most reliable and secure means of investing. It’s a relatively low risk investment strategy with high rewards (if you do it right).
I heard somewhere (God knows where) that 20% of the UK rich list made their wealth via Property Investment. I like the sound of that (even if it’s not true, and subsequently I’m in the depths of one of the wackiest and longest wild goose chases in human history)!
I want to be a landlord, where the hell do I start?
Right over there -> my free guide for new and first-time landlords.
Are you rich?
No, not even close.
Give me some money.
I emailed you, you never replied- WHY would you do that?
I genuinely try to reply to every email which requires a response, even the abusive ones. However, if I ignored your email you don’t receive a response (assuming it’s angling for a response) it’s probably because of at least one of the following reasons:
- Ignored my disclaimer(s) – this is the disclaimer directly above my contact form – it’s prominent and in plain view:
You ignored it :/
Either way, I’m probably doing you a favour by giving you the silent treatment. In 99.9% of cases, you’re better off doing the following if you require advice:
- Search through my blog posts and leave a comment on a relevant blog post which covers the issue you need assistance with.
- Contact LegalforLandlords – they provide free legal advice to landlords with problem tenants.
- Contact your Local Citizens Advice Bureau – they can assist with a wide range of legal issues.
- Take my initial advice (which you rudely ignored): get your ass over to the landlord/tenant forum.
- Lack of manners – you rubbed my tits the wrong way by demonstrating that you’re unfamiliar with how to interact with humans.
The amount of emails I receive whereby people don’t practise basic manners is mortifying. For example, if you email me asking for advice/help (yes, which goes against my point above, but as mentioned, people email regardless), then at least use all the necessary pleasantries e.g. “hi”, “please”, “thank you” etc.
I’m not asking for much, just manners. It’s free. It’s nice. Embrace it.
- You’re a ditherer – sorry, but I don’t have time to flirt, and you’re wasting my time by trying to play hard to get.
For example, you’ve emailed me something like, “I have something that may be of interest to you and your readers, may I recommend a service?” (or something to that effect) without actually telling me what you’re referring to in that very same email.
Another classic, which I often receive is, “I have a business proposition for you, please call me on 020 XXXX XXX”
No way. Are you crazy?
Basically, you’re trying to sell me something but you’re making me work for the relevant details.
Side note, if marketing/sales is your profession then I’d seriously consider… actually, never mind.
- Too lazy to do research on a topic I’ve addressed – you’re asking a question which I have already tackled in a blog post, so at the very least you could spend at least 5mins going through the relative categories and/or use the search function. If you’re too lazy to do that, then please kindly excuse me for being too lazy to respond to you.
- Too lazy to research what this website is about – if you don’t already know, let me explain- this is a personal landlord blog.
I am one person; this is my online blog; I write every blog post with my own blood, sweat and tears.
I’m annoyed because you didn’t bother to do any kind of research on the person/website you’re contacting – not even the bare minimum (i.e. reading the “about” page)- and that’s why you sent me a generic email to the “marketing department”
There is no marketing department! Again, this a personal blog, I’m not Elon Zuckerberg over here, running an multi-billion pound enterprise.
If you’re too lazy to spend a couple of minutes reading the “about” page before approaching me with a proposition, then I don’t want to deal with you, because the odds are you’d drive me bonkers.
- CAPS LOCKS – for some ridiculous reason you emailed me with the CAPS LOCK on. YOU’RE DEAD TO ME!
- You sent me useless marketing material – No, I’m not going to publish/share your shitty generic marketing material, which you blasted out to every mug on your emailing list. In fact, please take me off your emailing list (I almost certainly didn’t subscribe to it in the first place).
- You think I’m a letting agent – you emailed me asking me if I know of any vacant properties for you and/or your family. I don’t. I’m not a letting agent. It’s silly that you think I am. You’re silly. Very silly.
- You want my feedback – oddly, I receive emails from budding entrepreneurs wanting my critique on their flashy new property/landlord related product or service.
Unfortunately, I’m not a free consultant up for hire. And even if I was, I’d probably be a terrible one.
Sorry, but I don’t have the resources to provide critical feedback of your service/product. I’m sure it’s great the way you made it.
Out of curiosity, do you provide free consulting services?
Harsh, but fair, right? Cool :)
If you don’t fall under any of the above and I still failed to reply- oops, my bad, hit me up again. I’d love to hear from you :)
I’ve heard rumours of your beauty. Is it true?
What if there’s a property crash? There is going to be one, ya’ know?
I know. I’m actually expecting a couple of crashes during my life-time of investing.
That’s fine with me, because I don’t plan on making a quick exit; I’m here for the long haul. I’m using property as a means to secure my future, not my today.
Property crashes usually slice through short-term investors like a knife does with hot butter.
If you can be bothered, you can read more about My Property Investment Strategy.
You’ve made a few spelling mistakes, are you stupid?
Fuck you.
A lot.
Only joking.
I’m not a published author or a self-proclaimed journalist. This is my “personal blog” where I jot down my inner-thoughts, mostly during haste, so grammatical mistakes are plentiful.
If you find it truly unbearable (which I know it is for some people, because I have the emails to prove it), to the point where you physically cannot deal with the massacre, then I can only apologise. I want to make you feel comfortable during your visit, and I’ll do what I can to assist.
How about we help each other?
Above all, I want to create content that will help people progress in life, whether it be professionally or on a personal level. I imagine that’s accomplished most effectively when sentences make sense. So if you spot any mistakes, whether it’s a misuse of a comma or an incorrectly spelt word, drop me an email, and I’ll attend to the tragedy immediately.
Hopefully, together, we can tidy this place up so it’s a show-piece of grammatical perfection. That would be amazing. I’m excited.
What’s your favourite quote?
I would have written a shorter letter, but I did not have the time.
– Blaise Pascal
It is not that we have a short time to live, but that we waste a lot of it.
– Seneca
A man who views the world the same at fifty as he did at twenty has wasted thirty years of his life.
– Mohammed Ali
If voting made a difference, they wouldn’t let us do it.
– Mark Twain
two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I’m not sure about the universe.
– Albert Einstein
This question/answer has nothing to do with anything, and no one even asked me the question, but I wanted to jot them down somewhere as a reminder.
I have an awesome new product for landlords, will you review it?
Probably not.
History dictates that it will be total junk, so I’d rather review almost anything else.
What do you want from me (YOU, the readers)?
Friendly interaction, whether that entails seeking advice and/or helping the fellow man.
Okay, that’s a wrap.
That’s all for now. If you would like to know anything else, drop me an email or Tweet!
If you want to be notified about all my future posts, then sign up to my free newsletter!
Buy me Coffee
I didn’t really want me to do this, but I’m doing it anyways. I’m shameless, I know.
Over the years I’ve frequently had people ask me how they can show their gratitude for putting this resource together, and ultimately helping in some capacity along their journey. The truth is, the fact that I’m being asked the question is enough gratitude alone. And it still is. Always will be.
However, if for whatever reason you wish to take it one step further, then feel free to support my addiction (which directly helps me with evolving my blog) by clicking on the button below…
Every ounce of support I receive – through caffeine or elsewhere – is always massively appreciated and humbling! So thank you.
It’s been emotional. I love you.
The Landlord.
Disclaimer: I'm just a landlord blogger; I'm 100% not qualified to give legal or financial advice. I'm a doofus. Any information I share is my unqualified opinion, and should never be construed as professional legal or financial advice. You should definitely get advice from a qualified professional for any legal or financial matters. For more information, please read my full disclaimer.
Dear The Landlord.
Love your site!
Having a forum set up on my own site at the moment.
When it's live (in about 1 week hopefully) check it out!
I'm going to log in a a guest and tell people about my hideous experiences as a part-time landlord and the very nasty people who have warned me off.
There will be no holds barred and names could be named!
Respect to you.
Power to decent landlords and decent tenants